The Basics

splicer blends data from multiple sources together and lets you query it, as if it were part of one giant, read only database system. Here’s the typical usage pattern.

Start off by creating a python file, in a directory created in a manner described in Installation. Call the file

Inside we’ll create a Dataset which holds a collection of Servers, Tables, Views and User Defined Functions.

Create a DataSet

Add the following code to import splicer and create a Dataset.

import splicer
dataset = splicer.DataSet()

Add a Server

Servers provide tables and other relations to the dataset.


Since splicer is based on Relational Algebra we’ll often use the name relation interchangeablly with tables in this doc.

Let’s modify the code to add a DictServer which lets us query a list of dictionaries entirely from memmory.

import splicer
from splicer.servers.dict_server import DictServer

dataset = splicer.DataSet()

  users = [
    dict(username="tom", customer_id=123, full_name="Tom Talbert", active=True),
    dict(username="sally", customer_id=456, full_name="Sally Sanders", active=False),
    dict(username="marry",customer_id=789, full_name="Marry Mabel", active=True),
    dict(username="john", customer_id=999, full_name="John Jonas", active=False)

The arguments to the server class are unique to the implmentation of each server. For instance if you were talking to a Postgres server you’d simply pass in your login credentials. In this case we pass in a keyword argument ‘users’ which is a list of dictionaries. This particular Server will use that data to expose a relation named users

Query the dataset

A quick and dirty way to interact with data is to run your script using the python -i like so:

$ python -i

This will execute your script and leave you in python’s interactive interpreter where you can, drum roll please... interact with your dataset.

We can query using two different forms. The first is to use the query() method which should be familiar to anyone who has ever worked with a SQL database. It takes a SQL select statement and returns a Query object.

>>> query = dataset.query('select * from users')

Within the interpreter you introspect the query by simply typing it’s name and hitting enter.

>>> query
Relation user:

This displays the ref:schema <schema_def> of the underlying data that will be returned when the query is executed. To execute the query simply iterate it.

>>> for user in query:
...   print user.username, user.full_name,

Which produces the following output in your terminal.

tom     Tom Talbert    True
sally   Sally Sanders  False
marry   Mary Mabel     True
john    John Jonas     False

The second method of querying uses the method chaing style which is useful for building up a query programtically.

>>>  for user in'*').frm('users'):
...    print user.username, user.full_name,

Which produces the same output.

Filtering using a query

splicer goal is to provide the full range of declarative power that you get with a normal SQL select method. Which means you can do things like filter with where and having clauses, order on columns, group and so on.

query = dataset.query('''
FROM users
WHERE active = TRUE

for user in query:
 print user.username, user.full_name,
tom     Tom Talbert    True
marry   Mary Mabel     True


query = dataset.query('''
SELECT active, count(*)
FROM users
GROUP BY active

for active_count in query:
 print, active_count.count
TRUE    2

Adding additional tables

splicer really shines when it’s time to work with data in disparate locations. For example maybe you have some data in an Amazon S3 Bucket. Using the splicer Server for S3 we can access data as if it were tables.

Thes S3 Server provides a slew of options for mapping data in Amazon S3 into tables from either the key names or the contents of the blob while avoiding costly network round trips. Look in the server section for more details

Let’s pretend we have a bunch of customer specific data in csv files in S3 like so.


Notice that we’ve followed the Hive convention of encoding partition information in the key. For example We’ve uploaded the data by date and customer_id. You’ll see that the date is incoprorated in the url of thet data as dt=<date stirng> and customer_id=<number>.

You can then modify your script to setup add an S3 server

import splicer
from splicer.servers.dict_server import DictServer
from splicer_aws import S3

dataset = splicer.DataSet()

  users = [
    dict(username="tom", customer_id=123, full_name="Tom Talbert", active=True),
    dict(username="sally", customer_id=456, full_name="Sally Sanders", active=False),
    dict(username="marry",customer_id=789, full_name="Marry Mabel", active=True),
    dict(username="john", customer_id=999, full_name="John Jonas", active=False)

  access_key="<YOUR AWS KEY>",
  access_secret="<AWS SECRET>"

Now you can query your “table”

query = dataset.query('''
  SELECT DISTINCT dt, customer_id
  FROM 's3://mybucket/myfoo/'

for log in query:
  print log.dt, log.customer_id

Notice we’re using the DISTINCT word and only querying on the values thate were encoded in the urls of the blobs. With that particular combination the S3 server is smart enough to return the values interpreted from the Amazon S3 keys rather than fetching the entire blobs, which could be a lengthy process especially if the blobs are large.

Had we not used DISTINCT the S3 server would have been forced to download each blob interpret it into records and then emmit one (dt, customer_id) for each record found.


At the time of this writing, the splicer_aws extension has not been released. However it should be in the not to distant future.

Creating Views

Specifying the url for an S3 table in the from clause is a pain and maybe we want to reuse this query multiple times. splicer provides views for that purpose. Simply call dataset.create_view(name, query) like so

    SELECT DISTINCT dt, customer_id
    FROM 's3://mybucket/myfoo/'

Now we can perform queries using the name billing

query = dataset.query('''
  FROM billing

Joining Data

And here’s how easy it is to work with data in two seperate tables. This query joins users to billing, counts how many customer records there are.

query = dataset.query('''
  SELECT full_name, count(dt)
  FROM users join billing on users.customer_id = billing.customer_id
  GROUP BY full_name

for record_counts in query:
  print record_counts.full_name, record_counts.count
Tom Talbert    2
Sally Sanders  1

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